% Copyright (C) 2001, James B. Rawlings and John G. Ekerdt
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
% your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
% the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
% MA 02111-1307, USA.
% o-xylene + 3 O_2 --> phthalic anhydride + 3 H_2O
% parameters adapted from Welsenaere and Froment, 1970.
% jbr, 9/21/01
% repaired by jbr, 1/2/10
% units: m, kg, kmol, sec
% Revised 8/13/2018
p.R = 1.25e-2; %tube radius, m
p.Ac = pi*p.R*p.R; % tube cross-section, m^2
p.Qrho = 0.0026371; % Ac*4684/3600 mass flow, kg/sec, constant
p.Pf = 1.01e2; % feed pressure, kN/m^2, i.e. 1.0 atm
p.Mwf = 0.98*(0.79*28+0.21*32)+0.02*106.17; % mol wt feed;
% 98%air, 2% o-xylene, kg/kmol
p.Tf = 625; % feed temperature, K
p.Rg = 8.314; % gas constant, kJ/(K kmol)
% p.Nf = p.Qrho*p.Mwf; bug here; repaired below; adjust km and delH as well
p.Nf = p.Qrho/p.Mwf; % molar flowrate, kmol/sec, also constant
p.E = 13636.; % activation energy, K
p.Tm = 625.; % mean temperature, K
% p.km = 1922.6; % 1/sec % adjusted on 1/2/10
p.km = 2.0822; % 1/sec
p.Ta = 625; % coolant temperature, K
p.Cp = 0.992; % specific heat of mixture, kJ/kg K, assumed constant
% p.delH = -1.361e3; % kJ/kmol % adjusted on 1/2/10
p.delH = -1.284e6; % -3.07e5*4.184 heat of reaction, kJ/kmol, assumed constant
p.U = 0.373; % heat transfer coefficient, kJ/(m^2 sec K)
p.beta = p.delH*p.Ac/(p.Qrho*p.Cp); % heat of reaction parameter,
p.Gamma = 2*pi*p.R*p.U/(p.Qrho*p.Cp); % heat transfer parameter,
p.l = 1.5; % length of tube, m
npts = 200;
z = linspace(0, p.l, npts)';
yxfeed = [0.019];
Nxf = yxfeed*p.Nf;
% Tfeed = [615 625 631 635];
% adjust the temperatures in the repaired file
Tfeed = [615 620 625 630];
nfeed = length(Tfeed);
yx = zeros(npts,nfeed);
T = zeros(npts,nfeed);
for i = 1: nfeed
Tf = Tfeed(i);
x0 = [Nxf; Tf];
opts = odeset ('AbsTol', sqrt(eps), 'RelTol', sqrt(eps));
[tsolver, x] = ode15s (@(t, x) pfr(t, x, p), z, x0, opts);
yx(:,i) = x(:,1);
T(:,i) = x(:,2);
table = [z yx T];
save -ascii xyleneT.dat table;
if (~ strcmp (getenv ('OMIT_PLOTS'), 'true')) % PLOTTING
plot (z, yx);
% TITLE xyleneT
plot (z, T);
% TITLE xyleneT_T