% Copyright (C) 2001, James B. Rawlings and John G. Ekerdt
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
% your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
% the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
% MA 02111-1307, USA.
% Revised 8/15/2018
% units: g, mol, sec, cm, K (but atm pressure)
p.T = 838;
p.Rg = 82.06;
p.P = 1;
p.ccof = 0.167*(p.P/(p.Rg*p.T));
p.co2f = 0.833*(p.P/(p.Rg*p.T));
p.cIf = 0.0*(p.P/(p.Rg*p.T));
p.Kco = 8.099e6*exp(409/p.T);
% fix rate expression, 12/1/2013
%p.k = 1.048e12*exp(-13500/T)*co2f;
p.k = 1.3828e19*exp(-13500/p.T)*p.co2f;
% fix feed flowrate
%Qf = 60;
p.Qf = 792e3;
p.Ncof = p.Qf*p.ccof;
p.No2f = p.Qf*p.co2f;
p.NIf = p.Qf*p.cIf;
p.rhop = 0.68;
p.rhob = 0.60;
p.Dco = 0.0487;
p.Rp = 0.1;
p.a = p.Rp/3;
p.xco = 0.95;
npts = 100;
vfinal = 500;
vsteps = vfinal*linspace(0,1,npts)';
x0 = p.Ncof;
opts = odeset('Events', @(t, x) stop(t, x, p), 'AbsTol', sqrt(eps), ...
'RelTol', sqrt(eps));
[vout,x] = ode15s(@(t, x) pbr(t, x, p), vsteps, x0, opts);
if length(vout) == npts
fprintf ('hey, did not reach final conversion, increase rstop\n');
vplot = vout;
VR = vplot(end);
Nco = x;
No2 = p.No2f + (Nco - p.Ncof)/2;
Nco2 = p.Ncof - Nco;
Nt = Nco + No2 + Nco2 + p.NIf;
cco = p.P/(p.Rg*p.T) * Nco./Nt;
co2 = p.P/(p.Rg*p.T) * No2./Nt;
cco2 = p.P/(p.Rg*p.T) * Nco2./Nt;
phi = p.Kco*cco;
Phi = phi./(1 + phi) .* sqrt(p.k*p.a^2./...
(2*p.Dco* (phi - log(1 + phi)) ));
eta = 1.0./Phi;
table = [vplot cco co2 cco2 phi Phi eta];
save -ascii fbhw.dat table;
if (~ strcmp (getenv ('OMIT_PLOTS'), 'true')) % PLOTTING
subplot (3, 1, 1);
plot (table(:,1), table(:,2:4));
% TITLE fbhw
subplot (3, 1, 2);
plot (table(:,1), table(:,5));
% TITLE fbhw_phi
subplot (3, 1, 3);
plot (table(:,1), table(:,6));
% TITLE fbhw_phi