import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Setting grid points
axisbox = [-1.5, 1.5, -1, 1]
xa, xb, ya, yb = axisbox
npts = 50
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 2*npts+1)
z = np.exp(1j*theta)
# 2nd order Adam Bashforth
nu2 = (z**2 - z) / ((3*z - 1)/2)
# 3rd order Adam Bashforth
nu3 = (z**3 - z**2) / ((5-16*z + 23*z**2)/12)
# 4th order Adam Bashforth
nu4 = (z**4 - z**3) / ((55*z**3 - 59*z**2 + 37*z - 9)/24)
# chop off intersecting loops for 4th order AB
for k in range(len(nu4) - 1):
zz = np.array([np.real(nu4), np.imag(nu4)])
iloop = 0
for j in range(k+2, len(nu4)-1):
# find first place where zz(k) intersects the rest of the path
A = np.column_stack([zz[:,k]-zz[:,k+1], zz[:,j+1]-zz[:,j]])
if np.linalg.det(A) != 0:
lam = np.linalg.solve(A, zz[:,j+1]-zz[:,k+1])
if np.all((0 <= lam) & (lam <= 1)):
iloop = list(range(k+1, j+1))
zzint = lam[0]*zz[:,k] + (1-lam[0])*zz[:,k+1]
if iloop:
# chop out nu4(iloop) and replace with single interpolated value zzint
zzcp = complex(zzint[0], zzint[1])
nu4[iloop[0]] = zzcp
nu4 = np.delete(nu4, iloop[1:])
# Prepare data for saving
nus = np.column_stack((np.real(nu2), np.imag(nu2), np.real(nu3), np.imag(nu3)))
nus4 = np.column_stack((np.real(nu4), np.imag(nu4)))
plt.plot(nus[:,0], nus[:,1], 'r')
plt.plot(nus[:,2], nus[:,3], 'b')
plt.plot(nus4[:,0], nus4[:,1], 'g')
# Save to AB_stability.dat file
with open("AB_stability.dat", "w") as f:
np.savetxt(f, nus, fmt='%.17e', header="nu2 and nu3 real and imag")
np.savetxt(f, nus4, fmt='%.17e', header="nu4 real and imag")