Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering
Archival publications:
J. Zhou, C. D. Meinhart, S. Balachandar, and R. J. Adrian 1997. Formation of coherent hairpin packets in wall turbulence. In Self-sustaining mechanisms of wall turbulence, R. L. Panton (Ed.), Computational Mechanics Publications, Ashurst, UK.
W. Lia, Z. C. Liu, R. J. Adrian, and C. D. Meinhart 1996. Visualization of structure in a turbulent boundary layer using a stereoscopic particle image velocimeter. In Developments in Laser Techniques and Applications to Fluid Mechanics, R. J. Adrian et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
C. D. Meinhart and R. J. Adrian 1995. On the existence of uniform momentum zones in a turbulent boundary layer. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 7 No.4, pp. 694-696.
C. D. Meinhart, D. H. Barnhart, R. J. Adrian 1994. Interrogation and validation of three-dimensional vector fields. In Developments in Laser Techniques and Applications to Fluid Mechanics, R. J. Adrian et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 379-391.
T. Urushihara, C. D. Meinhart and R. J. Adrian 1993. Investigation of the logarithmic layer in pipe flow using particle image velocimetry. In Near-wall Turbulent Flows, R. M. C. So et al. (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 433-446.
C. D. Meinhart, A. K. Prasad and R. J. Adrian 1993. A parallel digital processor for particle image velocimetry. Measurement Science Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 619-626.
Conference papers:
J. Zhou, C. D. Meinhart, S. Balachandar, and R. J. Adrian 1997. Coherent hairpin packets in near-wall turbulence. Proceedings of the Seventh Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Chennai (Madras), Dec. 8-12.
D. H. Barnhart, R. J. Adrian, C. D. Meinhart, G. C. Papen 1995. Phase-conjugate holographic system for high resolution particle image velocimetry through thick-walled curved windows. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 2545, San Diego, CA, pp. 165-175.
C. D. Meinhart and R. J. Adrian 1995. Measurement of the zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer using particle image velocimetry. AIAA Paper No. 95-0789, Reno, NV.
R. J. Adrian, R. D. Keane, C. D. Meinhart and T. Urushihara 1993. Optimization of particle image velocimetry using cross-correlation analysis with application of high resolution turbulent pipe flow. Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vol. 1, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 263-266.
R. J. Adrian, C. D. Meinhart, D. H. Barnhart, and G. C. Papen 1993. An HPIV system for turbulence research. Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington D.C.
Research Publications Instruction Students
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Last Modified: June 3, 1997 - M. Jordan