CHE210D: Principles of modern molecular simulation methods
 homeassignments and handouts | project gallery 2012 | project gallery 2009UCSB ChE
Gallery of final projects
Students in the course designed and performed simulations of coarse-grained models for a variety of systems of interest to them. As a part of their projects, students developed movies of simulation trajectories to visualize their results. The titles below are links to the report for each project, and a link is also provided to the source code.

Spring 2012
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Phase Equilibria for Lennard Jones and Square Well Fluids
Ryan Gotchy Mullen
source code

Both repulsive and attractive terms are necessary in the microscopic pair potential in order to observe macroscopic liquid and vapor phases. We explore the conditions for phase equilibria for particles interacting via Lennard-Jones and square-well pair potentials. A wide range of particle densities are simulated in the grand canonical Monte Carlo ensemble using the Wang-Landau method to develop a histogram flat for all particle numbers. We find that the critical temperature for a square-well fluid scales with the range of the attractive energy between particles. In particular, when the attractive range is half the width of the hard-shell diameter (lambda = 1.5) the temperature-density phase envelope is similar to that for the Lennard-Jones fluid.

Chain Size Effects on Surface Depletion Layer Formation in a Dilute Polymer Solution
Sean Paradiso
source code

The behavior of polymer chains both in melt and solution is strongly affected by forces that act to disrupt the ideal distribution of conformations accessible to the chains. As polymers approach a hard wall, they continuously experience an increasing entropic repulsion long before packing or hard-core effects lead to a divergence in the interaction energy. Even with a purely repulsive wall interaction, adsorption behavior is observed for high temperature and fluid density. As the fluid is cooled the adsorption behavior evidently vanishes and a simple monotonic depletion layer is recovered. Umbrella sampling was employed to calculate the potential of mean force along the axis perpendicular to the plane of the hard wall, ensuring sufficient sampling in regions adjacent to the wall.

Dynamic Gas Enrichment at Liquid-Wall Interface
Nikolai Petsev
source code

The dynamic development of a gas enrichment layer along a hydrophobic interface was studied using a Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation of a simple 3-component Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid system. The simulation consisted of a wall modeled by a single sheet of explicit LJ atoms held fixed via a harmonic potential and maintained at constant temperature using an Andersen thermostat. A liquid film with gas dissolved in it was placed next to the wall, and the parameters were tuned initially such that the interface is hydrophilic (i.e. the interaction between the liquid and wall atoms is more favorable than the interaction between wall and gas atoms). After equilibration, the wall/particle interaction parameters were switched from being hydrophilic to hydrophobic, and the gas deposition process was observed until the enrichment layer became fully developed. A movie of one of the trajectories was rendered in Chimera, and an animation of the evolution of the liquid/gas density profiles in the system was prepared by averaging over 10 independent MD trajectories. The initial and final (equilibrium) states of this process show excellent agreement with literature

Adsorption Dynamics of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers onto Gold Surfaces
Michael Rapp
source code

Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) are a class of spontaneously adsorbing molecules—containing an adsorbing thiol head group and a (possibly end-functionalized) hydrocarbon tail—that are widely used to form dense, uniform, and sometimes functionalized monolayers in the surface science community. In this study, the effect of the hydrophobic tail length on the adsorption of alkanethiols onto gold surfaces was examinedusing Molecular Dynamics simulations. Head group and tail group density profiles—as functions of distance from the gold surface—were monitored during the simulations to show the time evolution of the monolayer adsorption. This study found that increasing the SAM hydrophobic tail length increased the hydrophobic interactions between the tail groups, and impeded head group adsorption.

A Molecular Dynamics Lennard-Jones Chain model for Phase Separation Behavior of Polythiophene and Fullerene Mixtures
Isaac Riisness
source code

Organic photovoltaic materials employ conjugated polymers and fullerene-based molecules to absorb photons and transport captured charges. The phase separation during processing in these systems is critical for their efficiency. To that end, phase separation and dynamics of polythiophene (M= 2, 4, 10, 20, 40,60), fullerene mixtures are investigated using (NVE) molecular dynamics with a Lennard-Jones chain force-field. Radial distribution functions show a slight increase in fullerene packing after system has been annealed at T=1.5 dimensionless temperature, in agreement with experimental data. Polythiophene diffusion constants follow a power law relationship based on polymer length.

Polysaccharide clustering in an implicit water solvent
Ben Smith
source code

A dilute system of equally sized anionic polysaccharides suspended in an implicit water solvent was studied using molecular dynamics. The radial distribution functions were generated for these systems as a function of the polysaccharide chain length (M) and electrostatic strength (?). These simulations indicate that for anionic polysaccharides of equal charge, molecular aggregation or clustering in water is favored as the polysaccharide chain length increases.

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Department of Chemical Engineering  |  University of California Santa Barbara