CHE210D: Principles of modern molecular simulation methods
 homeassignments and handouts | project gallery 2012 | project gallery 2009UCSB ChE
Gallery of final projects
Students in the course designed and performed simulations of coarse-grained models for a variety of systems of interest to them.  As a part of their projects, students developed movies of simulation trajectories to visualize their results.  The titles below are links to the detailed web pages for each project, where one can find the full results, analyses, and source code.  The associated images below also link to movies.

Spring 2009

Polyelectrolyte Complexation
Debbie Audus
Two oppositely charged polymers are studied using molecular dynamics. At high enough electrostatic strengths, these polymer form complexes. The radius of gyration squared of these complexes is calculated as a function of polymer length (N) and electrostatic strength (λ). The resulting trends are the effect of various interacting driving forces.

The Hydrophobic Interaction in a Spherically-Symmetric Water Bath
Aviel Chaimovich
The hydrophobic interaction (HI) is perhaps the most significant driving-force in living organisms.  In this work, I demonstrate a fundamental particularity of the HI: the notion that it is mostly caused by the medium.  I employ a Monte Carlo simulation to achieve this task.  

The Radius of Gyration for Charged Polymers
Peter Chung
In random coil behavior, there is a power-law relationship between the radius of gyration and the polymer length: Rg = R0 Nν.  Theoretically and experimentally, it has been shown that for uncharged polymers ν  ½. Recent experimental evidence has shown that the radius of gyration for charged chemically unfolded proteins has a power-law exponent of ν = .605 ± .0271. A Monte-Carlo simulation of a linear polymer with a Lennard-Jones and screened Coulomb potential was done to confirm the experimental results.

Nucleation of Hard Sphere Crystals
Nathan Duff
Hard spheres provide a model of colloid suspensions. Nucleation of hard spheres from a metastable liquid to a crystal was studied. The free energy, ΔG(n) of solid clusters was found to decrease with increasing pressure. Finite size effects for the studied system size (500 spheres) allow for spontaneous crystallization which does not occur in the larger system (3375 spheres) studied by Auer and Frenkel.1 The results suggest a decreased barrier to nucleation due to finite size effects.

Shear Flow Simulation: Velocity Field, Flow Boundary Conditions and Flow Structure
Chia-Chun Fu
Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate Lennard-Jones liquids sheared between two solid walls. Velocity profiles, flow boundary conditions and flow structures were studied for various wall-fluid interactions. For weak wall-fluid interactions, the flow structure is less ordered and slip was observed. For larger wall-fluid interactions, the flow structure is more ordered and the first one or two fluid layers near the walls were moving with the wall.

Capacitor Charging Dynamics of Dilute Soft-Sphere Ions in an Implicit Solvent
Brian Giera
A dilute system of equally sized cations and anions suspended in an implicit solvent between two capacitor plates was simulated. Concentration profiles were generated as a function of time and the behavior of double layer formation was observed after the plates were charged. This model can be used to investigate double layer formation, which is a critical mechanism of supercapacitor charging.

Cluster Formation in Charged Particles
David Hassan
In this project I studied how the formation of Lennard-Jones clusters was effected by electrostatic repulsion. In particular, I wanted to test if the so called “magic cluster numbers” were affected by the presence of a Coulomb interaction. The problem was studied using a MD simulation, and the amount of charge present was varied over the simulations.

Scaling law in thickness of polymeric brushes
Su-Mi Hur
Here I study how polymer brush layer thickness changes depending on the polymer chain length N and grafting density ρ is studied through MD simulation.  Each polymer chain is modeled as beads and springs with shifted LJ and harmonic potentials. An additional harmonic potential between grafting point and first bead in the chain, as well as, a wall potential that interacts with all monomers is introduced. Obtained results shows that high of brush layer h increases linearly as N increases. h does not depend on ρ for small values of ρ. However, h increases as ρ increases for higher values of ρ and observed scaling follows theoretical prediction.

Clustering of sodium chloride in implicit water solvent
Brandon Knott
Simulation of nucleation from solution in condensed phases at constant chemical potential can be achieved by utilizing an accurate effective potential with implicit solvent.  The distribution of cluster sizes in a metastable system is an important parameter for nucleation, as this process is driven by microscopic fluctuations in density.  Here I present grand canonical Monte Carlo results showing that increasing the chemical potential in a system of chloride and sodium ions shifts the cluster size distribution towards larger clusters, a trend that makes a fluctuation large enough to form a critical-sized nucleus more likely.

Radius of gyration of a polymer
Edmund Lin
The radius of gyration is often used to characterize the dynamic trajectory of flexible systems for molecular systems. Here, a small radius of gyration indicates the polymer is relatively compact, meaning throughout its trajectory the polymer spends most of its time as a folded structure. We can measure the distribution of the radius of gyration of a polymer’s dynamic trajectory to characterize folding patterns.

Liquid-Solid Phase Transition in Lennard-Jones Particles
Michael A. Lovette
The liquid-solid transition in Lennard-Jones particles was investigated through a series of Monte Carlo simulations in the liquid-solid coexistence region.  These simulations were stitched together using WHAM and the phase boundary between the liquid-solid coexistence region and the solid region of the phase diagram was observed.

Phase Separation in Block Copolymer Melts
Zoltan Mester
Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out on polymer chains made up of all A or B monomers with hydrogen bonding head groups, and phase segregation is characterized via radial distribution functions. The radial distribution functions confirm that phase segregation is stronger at lower temperatures, with nearly complete phase segregation at T=1.2. At high temperature (T=2), the radial distribution functions are qualitatively similar to that of a mix of Lennard-Jones particles in the liquid phase that do not phase separate, suggesting low segregation.

Constant-Force Pulling on a Lennard-Jones Polymer
Patrick O’Neill
The end-to-end distance of a linear Lennard-Jones polymer is examined, with one end fixed to a surface, and a constant pulling force applied to the other end. The polymer is initially in a coiled state, and uncoils with sufficient pulling force. The average uncoiling rate depends on the pulling force, and for insufficient pulling force, the polymer remains in the coiled state for long times.

Modeling the Fullerene Distribution in BHJ Solar Cells
James T. Rogers
A simple model was used to study the effect of polymer molecular weight on the distribution of fullerene molecules within a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cell. Measurements of the pair distribution function (PDF) derived from this model indicate improved local structural ordering of the fullerene molecules with increasing molecular weight. This is well correlated with recent experimental results which have shown drastic increases in solar cell performance with increasing polymer molecular weight. Further development of this model should allow identification of polymer/fullerene chemistries which may result in even more optimal blend morphologies.

A Coarse-grained MD Simulation of Micellization Process
Mansi Seth
A Molecular Dynamics Simulation was performed to study the process of Micellization of surfactant molecules in water, using an implicit solvent, coarse-grained model. The Critical Micelle Concentration (C.M.C) was determined for an ionic surfactant. The Effect of Temperature on C.M.C was also studied. Micellization is observed only above a certain critical concentration, after which there is an increase in concentration of micelles, with increase in surfactant concentration. An increase in temperature leads to increase the C.M.C of the surfactant. The results obtained are thus, in qualitative agreement with experimental observations and those from other simulations of ionic surfactant molecules.

Molecular Dynamics of a Tethered Protein
Brad Spatola
The system being investigated is the interaction between a bound protein molecule, modeled as 30 Lennard-Jones particles, and a surface.  In order to examine the protein folding into the wall, the radius of gyration and protein end-to-end length were calculated and a molecular dynamics movie was recorded.  Results indicate that the protein will fold into a tighter group at lower temperatures than at higher temperatures.  In addition, once the protein approaches the wall, it will stay in a closely packed formation for the duration of the simulation run.

Department of Chemical Engineering  |  University of California Santa Barbara