CHE210D: Principles of modern molecular simulation methods
 homeassignments and handouts | project gallery 2012 | project gallery 2009UCSB ChE
Gallery of final projects
Students in the course designed and performed simulations of coarse-grained models for a variety of systems of interest to them. As a part of their projects, students developed movies of simulation trajectories to visualize their results. The titles below are links to the report for each project, and a link is also provided to the source code.

Spring 2012
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Diffusion of an alkane molecule in siliceous zeolite beta
Matthew Aronson
source code

A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was performed to study the diffusion of an alkane molecule in siliceous zeolite beta, as a function of chain length and temperature. The alkane was modeled as a Lennard-Jones chain, and the simulation was carried out in the microcanonical ensemble. The results suggest that it is energetically favorable for the alkane chains to be within close proximity (~2 Å) of the zeolite lattice. However, the histogram data also show that shorter alkane chains are more likely to be found at farther distances (~4.5 Å) from the lattice atoms in the zeolite voids, compared to longer chains that experience more attractive interactions with the lattice and thus are confined to the small zeolite cages.

Interaction of a Polyelectrolyte Solution with an Attractive Surface
Kate Barteau
source code

An investigation of the structure of a polyelectrolyte solution interacting with an attractive wall has been carried out through molecular dynamics simulations. Total charge density along the polymer backbone was varied while density profiles and radius of gyration distributions were measured. Additionally, counterions were systematically localized to a single surface to study counterion charge location dependence of polymer position. Increasingly attractive surfaces result in polymers locating closer to the surface. This dependence weakens with lesser charge density on polymer. Average radius of gyration of polyelectrolyte is found to decrease with increasing charge concentration on backbone, in accordance with known scaling laws.

Discrete Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Hard Regular Triangles
Scott Carmichael
source code

Perhaps the most paramount utility of a `toy model' simulation is its ability to shed light on the fundamental driving forces behind seemingly complex phenomena such as self-assembly, order-disorder phase transitions, and the nature of symmetry breaking. Recent experimental work reported by the Mason group has revealed that the ostensibly mundane system of hard triangles colliding on a 2-dimensional surface, in fact exhibits a rich array of order-disorder phase transitions and intriguingly local chiral symmetry breaking [Zhao, Kun, Robijn Bruinsma, and Thomas G. Mason.; Nat Commun 3 (May 2012): 801]. Here we use discrete molecular dynamics to simulate a system of hard regular triangles undergoing elastic Newtonian collisions on a 2-dimensional surface. We observe a disorder to order phase transition at packing fractions above 0.56, and we calculate the mean-squared displacement of triangles in the liquid-like regime.

Adsorption/Repulsion of Single-atom Lennard-Jones Fluid Particles on/by Two Parallel Infinite Walls
Peng Cheng
source code

Adsorption/repulsion processes of single-atom Lennard-Jones fluid particles on/by two parallel infinite walls were simulated with Grand Canonical Monte Carlo method (GCMC). With increased strength of the particle-wall interactions, more uneven distributions of particles were observed. However, more even distributions of particles were observed at elevated temperatures.

Stabilization and Growth of Polar Ionic Crystal Surfaces
Preshit Dandekar
source code

Stabilization of (111) polar surface of NaCl crystal by the deposition of a non-stoichiometric nucleus of Na and Cl atoms has been studied. Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to study the interaction between the nucleus and the surface and the potential of mean force (PMF) was calculated to estimate the equilibrium position of the nucleus above the surface. Umbrella sampling and Ferrenberg-Swendsen histogram reweighting technique was applied to calculate the free energies in the system.

Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of the Ziff-Gulari-Barshad Model for Surface Reactions
Alan Derk
source code

Heterogeneous catalysis and surface reactions are important for many applications, such as exhaust emission control and synthesis of chemicals, although their behavior cannot be correctly modeled using macroscopic rate laws. Python code was developed to simulate the Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model for surface reactions to help explain why carbon monoxide oxidation is rapid for some mixtures of carbon monoxide and oxygen and negligible at others. The model is extremely simple, yet complex phenomena emerges which helps explain the surface chemistry which surrounds us. Included in this work is a movie showing how too much carbon monoxide (relative to oxygen) can lead to the surface being “poisoned” by stable islands of CO which form on the surface.

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Department of Chemical Engineering  |  University of California Santa Barbara