Tech Reports

Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
Offset-free model predictive control: stability under plant-model mismatch, 2024.
arXiv:2412 [eecs, math].
Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
Offset-free model predictive control: stability under plant-model mismatch.
Technical Report 2024–04, TWCCC Technical Report, November 2024.
Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
Beyond inherent robustness: asymptotic stability of MPC despite plant-model mismatch, 2024.
arXiv:2411.15452 [eecs, math].
Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
Beyond inherent robustness: asymptotic stability of MPC despite plant-model mismatch.
Technical Report 2024-03, TWCCC Technical Report, November 2024.
James B. Rawlings, Davide Mannini, and Steven J. Kuntz.
Background results for robust minmax control of linear dynamical systems.
Technical Report 2024–02, TWCCC Technical Report, June 2024.
James B. Rawlings, Davide Mannini, and Steven J. Kuntz.
Background results for robust minmax control of linear dynamical systems, 2024.
arXiv:2406.15682 [eecs, math].
Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
Maximum Likelihood Identification of Linear Models with Integrating Disturbances for Offset-Free Control.
Technical Report 2024–01, TWCCC Technical Report, June 2024.
Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
Maximum Likelihood Identification of Linear Models with Integrating Disturbances for Offset-Free Control, 2024.
arXiv:2406.03760 [eecs, math].
Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
On linear multivariate regression with singular error covariances.
Technical Report 2023–02, TWCCC Technical Report, December 2023.
Steven J. Kuntz and James B. Rawlings.
On the unified theory of linear Gaussian estimation: solution methods, applications, and extensions.
Technical Report 2023–01, TWCCC Technical Report, December 2023.
Robert D. McAllister and James B. Rawlings.
Stochastic model predictive control: Existence and measurability.
Technical Report 2021–01, TWCCC Technical Report, March 2021.
Robert D. McAllister and James B. Rawlings.
Stochastic Lyapunov functions and asymptotic stability in probability.
Technical Report 2020–02, TWCCC Technical Report, August 2020.
Douglas A. Allan, James B. Rawlings, and Andrew R. Teel.
Nonlinear detectability and incremental input/output-to-state stability.
Technical Report 2020–01, TWCCC Technical Report, July 2020.
Douglas A. Allan and James B. Rawlings.
Inherent robustness of discontinuous MPC: Even $(u,u^3)$ is robust.
Technical Report 2018–02, TWCCC Technical Report, December 2018.
Douglas A. Allan and James B. Rawlings.
An input/output-to-state stability converse theorem for closed positive invariant sets.
Technical Report 2018–01, TWCCC Technical Report, December 2018.
Travis J. Arnold and James B. Rawlings.
On the stabilization of neutrally stable linear discrete time systems.
Technical Report 2017–01, TWCCC Technical Report, September 2017.
Douglas A. Allan, Cuyler N. Bates, Michael J. Risbeck, and James B. Rawlings.
On the inherent robustness of optimal and suboptimal nonlinear MPC.
Technical Report 2016–01, TWCCC Technical Report, June 2016.
James B. Rawlings and Michael J. Risbeck.
On the equivalence between statements with epsilon-delta and K-functions.
Technical Report 2015–01, TWCCC Technical Report, December 2015.
Megan A. Zagrobelny and James B. Rawlings.
Identification of disturbance covariances using maximum likelihood estimation.
Technical Report 2014–02, TWCCC Technical Report, December 2014.
Gabriele Pannocchia, James B. Rawlings, David Q. Mayne, and Giulio M. Mancuso.
Whither discrete time model predictive control?.
Technical Report 2014–01, TWCCC Technical Report, January 2014.
L. Ji, J. B. Rawlings, W. Hu, A. Wynn, and M. Diehl.
Robust stability of moving horizon estimation under bounded disturbances.
Technical Report 2013–01, TWCCC, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison, November 2013.
Rishi Srivastava, Eric L. Haseltine, Ethan A. Mastny, and James B. Rawlings.
Supporting information to the paper “The Stochastic Quasi-Steady-State Assumption: Reducing the Model but Not the Noise” Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physics.
Technical Report 2011–03, TWCCC Technical Report, April 2011.
Gabriele Pannocchia, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright.
Addendum to the paper “Is suboptimal nonlinear MPC inherently robust?” submitted to IFAC 2011.
Technical Report 2011–02, TWCCC Technical Report, March 2011.
Gabriele Pannocchia, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright.
Addendum to the paper “Inherently robust suboptimal nonlinear MPC: theory and application” submitted to CDC-ECC 2011.
Technical Report 2011–01, TWCCC Technical Report, March 2011.
Gabriele Pannocchia, James B. Rawlings, David Q. Mayne, and Wolfgang Marquardt.
Addendum to the paper “On computing solutions to the continuous time constrained linear quadratic regulator”.
Technical Report 2010–02, TWCCC, Texas-Wisconsin-California Modeling and Control Consortium, 2010.
Gabriele Pannocchia, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright.
Suboptimal MPC and partial enumeration: robust stability and computational performance.
Technical Report 2010–01, TWCCC, Texas-Wisconsin-California Modeling and Control Consortium, April 2010.
Murali R. Rajamani, James B. Rawlings, and Tyler A. Soderstrom.
Application of a new data-based covariance estimation technique to a nonlinear industrial blending drum.
Technical Report 2007–03, TWMCC, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 2007.
Murali R. Rajamani and James B. Rawlings.
Estimation of the disturbance structure from data using semidefinite programming and optimal weighting.
Technical Report 2007–02, TWMCC, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 2007.
Paul A. Larsen and James B. Rawlings.
Derivations for maximum likelihood estimation of particle size distribution using in situ video imaging.
Technical Report 2007-01, TWMCC, March 2007.
Aswin N. Venkat, Ian A. Hiskens, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright.
Distributed MPC strategies with application to power system automatic generation control.
Technical Report 2006–05, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 2006.
Aswin N. Venkat, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright.
Stability and optimality of distributed, linear MPC. part 2: output feedback.
Technical Report 2006–04, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 2006.
Aswin N. Venkat, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright.
Stability and optimality of distributed, linear MPC. part 1: state feedback.
Technical Report 2006–03, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 2006.
Ethan A. Mastny, Eric L. Haseltine, and James B. Rawlings.
Derivations for order reduction of the chemical master equation.
Technical Report 2006-02, TWMCC, August 2006.
Gabriele Pannocchia, James B. Rawlings, and Stephen J. Wright.
The partial enumeration method for model predictive control: Algorithm and examples.
Technical Report 2006–01, TWMCC, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006.
Brian J. Odelson and James B. Rawlings.
A new autocovariance least-squares method for estimating noise covariances.
Technical Report 2003–04, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 2003.
Brian J. Odelson, Alexander Lutz, and James B. Rawlings.
Application of autocovariance least-squares methods to laboratory data.
Technical Report 2003–03, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 2003.
David Q. Mayne and James B. Rawlings.
A convergence result for non-monotonic cost sequences.
Technical Report 2003–02, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 2003.
John W. Eaton and James B. Rawlings.
Ten years of Octave — recent developments and plans for the future.
Technical Report 2003–01, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003.
Eric L. Haseltine and James B. Rawlings.
A critical evaluation of extended Kalman filtering and moving horizon estimation.
TWMCC Technical Report 2002–03, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 2003.
M. J. Tenny, S. J. Wright, and J. B. Rawlings.
Nonlinear model predictive control via feasibility-perturbed sequential quadratic programming.
Optimization Technical Report 2002–06, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Computer Sciences Departments, August 2002.
Also Texas-Wisconsin Modeling and Control Consortium Report TWMCC-2002-02.
S. J. Wright and M. J. Tenny.
A feasible trust-region sequential quadratic programming algorithm.
Optimization Technical Report 2002–05, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Computer Sciences Departments, August 2002.
Also Texas-Wisconsin Modeling and Control Consortium Report TWMCC-2002-01.
Gabriele Pannocchia, Stephen J. Wright, and James B. Rawlings.
Existence and computation of infinite horizon model predictive control with active steady-state constraints.
Technical Report 2001–04, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2001.
John W. Eaton.
Octave: Past, present, and future.
Technical Report 2001–03, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001.
Gabriele Pannocchia and James B. Rawlings.
Robustness of MPC and disturbance models for multivariable ill-conditioned processes.
Technical Report 2001–02, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2001.
Gabriele Pannocchia and James B. Rawlings.
The velocity algorithm LQR: a survey.
Technical Report 2001–01, TWMCC, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2001.